Water sports
Wing Rental
Wing rental (pool) 1h
Wing rental (pool) 1 day
Wing rental (pool) 7 days
Wing rental (pool) 10 days
Wing rental (pool) 14 days
Kite Rental Overview
Kitepool 1h
Insurance 1 week
Insurance extension week
Kitepool 1 day
Kitepool 1 week
Kitepool 2 weeks
kitepool 3 weeks
Kitepool 5 hours card
Kitepool 10 hours card
Kitesurfing special pay 4, kite 7 days (April/May/October special)
Kitesurfing special pay 10, kite 14 days (April/May/October special)
Kite course "get used to our Spot" 2h + 7 days kite rental
Kite Partner Pool 1 week
Kite partnerpool 2 weeks
Kitepool (Kite Only) 1 day
Kitepool (board only) 1 day
Surf Rental Overview
Surf beginner pool 1h
Surfpool 1h
Surfpool 1 day
Surfpool 2h
Insurance 1 week
Insurance extension week
Surf beginner pool 1 day
Surfpool 1 week
Surfpool 2 weeks
Surfpool 3 weeks
Surf Partner Pool 1 week
Surf partner pool 2 weeks
Surf beginner pool 1 week
Surf beginner pool 2 weeks
Windsurfing special 4 pay 7 surfing (April/May/October special)
Windsurfing special 10 pay, 14 surf (April/May/October special)
Windsurfing course advance 2h + 7 days surf rental
Kombipool Overview
Combi pool kite + surf or wing 1 day
Insurance 1 week
Insurance extension week
Combi pool Kite + Surf or Wing 1 week
Combipool Kite + Surf or Wing 2 weeks
Combipool kite + surf or wing 3 weeks
Kite Partnerpool 1 day
Surf Partnerpool 1 day
Windsurfing partner special 4 pay 7 surfing (April/May/October special)
Windsurfing partner special 10 pay 14 Surfing (April/May/October special)
Surf Partner Pool 1 week
Surf partner pool 2 weeks
Kitepartnerpoolspecial 4 pay, 7 kite (April/May/October special)
Kitepartnerpoolspecial 10 pay, 14 kite (April/May/October special)
Kite Partner Pool 1 week
Kite partnerpool 2 weeks
Wing Lessons
Wing surfing course "Taste it" (2 hrs training + rental for the day)
Wing surfing course "Basics" (4h Training + rentals for 2 days)
Wing course "Advanced rider" 2h
Wing course "Advanced Rider" 4h
Wingfoil course "Basic" (6hrs training + rentals for 3 days)
Wingfoil Course "private"
Kite Lessons
Kite Course "Taste It"
Kite Course "First Steps"
Kite Course "Basic"
Kite Course "Advanced Rider 3h"
Kite Course "Advanced Rider 6h"
Private lesson Kitesurf
Kite course "Basics" + Kite course "Advanced Rider" 6h
Kite course "Advanced Rider" 3h + 7 days kite rental
Kite course "Advanced Rider" 3h + 14 days kite rental
Kite course "get used to our Spot" 2h + 7 days kite rental
Kitefoil course (private)
Kite Course "Intermediate Rider 6h"
Kite Course "Intermediate Rider 3h"
Surf Lessons
Surf course "Taste It 2h"
Surfkurs "Basic"
Surf course "Advanced Rider" 2 h
Surf course "Advanced Rider" 4h
Private windsurfing lessons
Surf course "Taste It" 1h
Windsurfing course Basic + 7 days beginner pool
Windsurfing course advance 4h + 7 days surf rental